Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ensemble Ideas

A photog-friend (DMC Photography, super-dee-duper talented, you can see her work HERE) of mine does this on her blog and I thought it was a really fantastic idea.

If you find yourself struggling with outfits for our session or with colors that look good coordinated together, maybe this will help you get a kick-start! No one likes to look 'matchy-matchy', so these are just some ideas to help you with your creativity ;-)

So this first inspiration-ensemble is in the blue and yellow family. You obviously don't have to copy everything to a tee... in fact, the more creative you get the more 'you' the look becomes! Unless of course, this exact look is totally 'you' :-)

Anyway, not a scarf type of gal? Switch it out for a pretty, gold necklace. Not a dress-shoe kind of guy, well then, forget it. No, just kidding. Just wear whatever brown shoes you feel fits you best!

You get the idea...

Blues and Yellows

Hoping to have another ensemble idea up by the end of the week... so stay tuned! (and if you haven't already... click the 'follow' button on the right ---> so you can keep up with new posts!)

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